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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Aphotic abberration
You can't defeat me. Don't even bother.
~ The Aberration to Sally


The Aphotic Aberration is a minor antagonist in H.S.'s Hallow's End, and overall the third major enemy fought during the course of the story. It manifests before Sally as she gets lost in the Cursed Forest, briefly attempting to turn her against her friends and engaging in combat with her. At the same time, Craig and Clyde are fighting against Noctus, but it is unknown whether the two creatures are related.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 8-B, likely 8-A

Name: Aphotic Aberration

Origin: Hallow's End

Gender: Unknown, likely not applicable.

Age: Unknown

Classification: Dark Phantom/Psychic Entity

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Incorporeality and Darkness Manipulation (Type 3. Sally implies that it is a mental entity. Exists as pure darkness, which taps into the dark aspects of the foe's conscious), Invisibility (Can hide itself in shadow), Mind Manipulation (Able to tap into other's minds. Is capable of directly attacking on the psychic level, unleashing "mental assaults"), Empathic Manipulation (Can read the insecurities of the foe and use that knowledge to break them emotionally; Accurately did this to Sally despite having never met her before), Fear Manipulation (Briefly paralyzed Sally with fear), Status Effect Inducement, Power Nullification (Inflicts disorientation unto the foe, rendering them unable to use their special abilities), Fire Manipulation (Via Flare α), Magic Absorption (Can absorb the power which allows magic users to perform spells)

Attack Potency: At least City Block level, likely Multi-City Block level (Fought on par against an early-game Sally, being the only foe to truly scare her. Should be roughly comparable to, but still weaker than, the Avatar of Azathoth)

Speed: At least Superhuman, possibly Subsonic (On par with Sally)

Lifting Strength: Unknown (Should have no means of lifting anything)

Striking Strength: At least City Block Class, likely Multi-City Block Class

Durability: At least City Block level, likely Multi-City Block level

Stamina: At least Superhuman (Lacks a physical body)

Range: At least several meters (Scaling from Avatar of Azathoth), Hundreds of meters with fire manipulation

Standard Equipment: None notable.

Intelligence: At least Average (Highly manipulative. Attempted to use Sally's insecurities to turn her against Craig and Clyde)

Weaknesses: Prone to hysterical fits of laughter, which leave it open to attack.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
