“ | Fuck this. | „ |
~ Aohd's reaction to being incinerated to a skeleton |
“ | I don't know what the FUCK is happening but if this lets me survive count me in. | „ |
~ Aohd's seeming modus operandi |
Aohd Earnhardt is a somewhat stranger case of constantly shifting alignments, serving initially as a member of Alpha Centuri, before defecting to the Homewreckers in light of their seemingly superior capabilities distributed across their network, before defecting again after facing The Wife Beaters. They served to defend the Din Gash before rescinding their allegiance, where they were reassigned to Alpha Centuri as a prohibitionary agent.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: Low 7-B
Name: Aohd Earnhardt
Origin: Valhalla: Hellcity
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Level 1 Trigger
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1 and 3, Triggers are immortal[1] and can heal from any physical injury[2]), Regeneration (Low-Godly, any damage on the physical layer is regarded as "False Damage"[2] that is incapable of killing the trigger and regenerates at triple speed, while damage to every layer is still able to be healed provided the damage is not extensive, and they are not struck in their[3] spiritual core.[4]) Through his Unique Power, Aohd is capable of artificially doubling his Regeneration rate[5]), Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2 and 3; Triggers have no requirements for food or physical obligation to sleep, only being affected psychologically by prolonged consciousness.[4] Can traverse into the depths of Red Gashes, where even air vanishes from existence[6]), Energy Manipulation (The defining trait of a Trigger is the ability to control Energy, an extraplanar force that clashes with the nature of reality on a fundamental level. This fuels their abilities at large, and can be fired as a blast directly[2]), Explosion Manipulation (Regularly caused by the use of energy, whether through Blasts, Energy enhanced attacks or certain Unique Powers[2]), Mind Manipulation and Soul Manipulation (Can attack on the mental and spiritual layers alongside the physical[2]), Fear Manipulation (Damage to the mental layer can influence the thoughts and feelings of onlookers, causing locations that have been severely damaged by triggers to cause an innate sense of dread and desire to abandon the area[7]), Memory Manipulation (Damage to an area on the mental layer may cause it to be outright removed from collective memory,[2] Silas's Miracle was capable of "unpersoning" King Gizzard by reducing him to atoms on every layer[4]), Life Manipulation (The spiritual layer dictates the properties of physical objects, including their life-force/spans[7]), Regeneration Negation (Up to Low-Godly; Damage to the spiritual layer interferes with the life force of objects, making it impossible for mundane means to repair damage dealt by a Trigger.[7] Even other Triggers have an increased difficulty healing attacks that harm their souls[2]), Invulnerability Negation (Despite a Fortified Trigger's ability to completely ignore False Damage,[2] a Trigger's normal attacks are capable of harming them, as displayed with Aisha,[3] and Frozen Mind's similar protection of the mind and soul also cannot prevent outright damage), Non-Physical Interaction (Capable of damaging spiritual and mental structures, and even interact with Gashes and creatures similar in nature,[8] which are a "total annihilation of anything and everything"[9]), Reactive Evolution (Triggers as a whole have the capacity to suddenly evolve in Level through overexposure to extreme levels of Energy, special energy sources or extreme distress.[2] More regularly, external factors allow them to break through their limits to enhance their power,[4] this process often granting them new aspects to their powers in the process), Surface Scaling (Even the least agile of triggers are capable of running straight up walls and climbing on totally flat surfaces[2]), Enhanced Senses (Triggers are capable of seeing the Spiritual and Mental layers of reality, as well as have their senses tuned to such extremes that they can "hear sweat hitting the ground from another room, see in almost complete darkness, feel minor shifts in the air and smell chemicals that have no odor".[2] This allows Triggers to speak to each other at normal volumes from hundreds of meters away, as well as communicate through the minimal use of their vocal cords while keeping their mouth closed.[10] Superior to Xander Phoenix in this regard, who was capable of detecting and eventually pinpointing the location of Gash Lizards[8]), Reality Warping and Physics Manipulation (The use of energy can cause Random Events, causing a conflict between the laws of physics and reality in an attempt to replace it with the Energy Layer[2]), Statistics Amplification (Can attack with an Energy infused punch, increasing it's speed and power, as well as well as use Energy to block or dodge for similar effects. Flashstep allows him to move at five times the speed[2]), Forcefield Creation (Energy Block can emit a forcefield upon use[8]), Light Manipulation (Energy Defense can cause a flashbang effect that blinds opponents after it succeeds[2]), Telepathy (Triggers are capable of easily "reading" mundane people through observing them on the mental layer[7])
Shapeshifting, Elasticity (Aohd's Unique Power renders his body completely malleable, described as a "perfectly elastic substance that could intersect as well as seamlessly separate from and recombine with itself". Through this, he's able to stretch, divide and compress his body to attack in unconventional fashions and strike vital areas in a given target[5]), Intangibility (One of the more notable aspects of Aohd's power is the ability to compress himself to such a degree he is able to pass through objects, ranging from the noses of enemies, to their pores,[5] to even gaps in their Energy Block[11]), Danmaku (Capable of splitting his fingers into an array of attacks, cutting off exits and inevitably entering a given target's body[11]), Status Effect Inducement (Through attacking the internal components of enemies, Aohd is able to inflict a variety of ailments, including sensory deprivation, nausea, hemorrhaging, or even immediately incapacitating the target[5]), Absorption (Homewreckers are granted[12] the Carnage power perk, which allows them to increase their power in the midst of combat through killing people or Triggers and absorbing their Energy, and retain some of the benefits overtime[2]), Teleportation (Using a Gash, a Homewrecker can transport themselves to other locations within the network, including other Gashes or Firmament[13]), Stealth Mastery (Possesses Shadow, rendering them completely impossible to detect to ordinary humans and extremely difficult for Triggers to do so, as Xander Phoenix was unable to pinpoint his location, and Warrane Ambre was entirely unable to detect his presence without the help of Soothsayer[11]), Extrasensory Perception and Information Analysis (Power Sight and Analyzer allows him to detect Triggers via a chill down his back, and analyze their powers. Warrane, with far less Motorics and affinity, could detect phenomena such as Gashes[9] down to the atomic level[6] and perceive the Unique Powers of hundreds of individual Triggers fused into the Butcher of Street's constructs[14]), Invulnerability (Possesses Fortified and Frozen Mind, rendering him immune to False Damage and direct Mental/Spiritual manipulation[2])
Spatial Manipulation (Can cause objects to randomly teleport around a given battlefield,[15] potentially dragging them through several dimensions in the process.[16] Sufficiently compounded Random Events can cause an entire city to experience severe spatial expansion, ripping at anyone within it's radius[17]), Gravity Manipulation (Can briefly cause singularities to occur, distorting space-time and stretching the ground around it into Nano-Carbon Latices.[15] This effect can potentially be manifested to such an extent that gravity is reverted, a true vacuum is formed, and an entire forest is converted to Latices.[3] Capable of coalescing gravity around a specific target, forming a massive sphere of material that pins them to the ground.[18] Capable of softening gravity, causing those in it's radius to move twice as fast from the decreased weight[19]), Transmutation (Capable of turning dirt into a harmful gas, and in more extreme cases cause matter to directly turn to Energy,[3] can turn water into wine and blood[20]), Matter Manipulation (Random Events frequently interfere with molecular structures, certain extremes are able to atomize those without sufficient resilience[20]), Air Manipulation (Can increase air pressure within 1000 meter radius exponentially for 30 seconds, causing explosions to be sustained thermobarically throughout the duration,[4]as well as cause a vacuum effect that shreds nearby opponents[14]), Light Manipulation (Can cause an implosion of heat that becomes as bright as the sun, blinding anyone in it's wake,[21] which can be manifested to such an extent that it melts steel throughout a hydroelectric dam[4]), Temperature Manipulation (Can prevent molten material from cooling off, sustaining it's heat from the explosion that caused it to melt[8]), Weather Manipulation (Can create a storm of energy that hovers around the battlefield[21]), Time Manipulation (Can revert time, causing attacks to be re-released as a massive explosion,[21] or cause stopped time to solidify and shatter into shards that revert whatever they cut into the recent past[17]), Size Manipulation and Density Manipulation (Can cause the density of manipulated material to become unstable, sometimes bloating their size and mass or causing them to collapse into a pebble sized chunk[8]), Madness Manipulation (Can warp the mental layer into an abominable and maddening landscape[22]), Vector Manipulation (Can cause objects to move in bizarre fashions by warping the vectors of their motion[22]), Plant Manipulation (Can cause destroyed trees to immediately sprout new ones,[3] and can cause them to wither and die[18]), Vibration Manipulation (Can cause a massive shockwave to proceed an impact, launching opponents for a notable distance[3]), Electricity Manipulation (Can convert the clouds in the sky into lightning that strikes everything in sight,[3] or form a lightning bolt on the mental layer from the accumulated grief of those within an area, empowering beings such as Soothsayer in the process[19]), Summoning (Sufficiently compounded random events can cause a "space between dimensions" to emerge, bringing forth some form of sentient being which eclipsed the combined power of the Wife Beaters on Day 2[3]), Creation (Can cause materials produced by an attack to emerge in extreme excess, such as bursts of X and Gamma Rays covering miles of Hellcity after Xander used Strong Force, Starfire's flames consuming all random events nearby to propagate beyond his initial attack,[16] The Butcher of Streets' blood slash continuing to produce blood and stain the nearby area,[14] or Vladimir's electric punches propagating yet more electricity[23]), Smoke Manipulation (Can cause smoke to accumulate over a given target, blinding them through visual obscurement and burning their eyes[16]), Fire Manipulation (Can cause weapons to spontaneously combust[14]), Status Effect Inducement (Can create bubbles of crystalized moments in time, which burst to induce a variety of effects on those nearby[24]), Corrosion Inducement (Can release a liquid that melts anything it touches[18]), Portal Creation (Can rip a gash into space, funneling in objects and causing them to appear elsewhere[18]), Chaos Manipulation (Random Events are capable of destabilizing reality to make random events more likely, or reverting this effect[23]), Age Manipulation (Can cause everything within a certain radius to become far older and corroded[25])
Reality Warping, Physics Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Temperature Manipulation, Density Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Vector Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, Vibration Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Smoke Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Corrosion Inducement, Chaos Manipulation and Age Manipulation (Can withstand the effects of Random Events[2]), Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Life Manipulation, and Regeneration Negation (Can withstand and heal from the blows of other Triggers as well as Red Damage.[26] Frozen Mind grants him immunity to direct Mental and Spiritual manipulation[2]), Poison Manipulation, Acid Manipulation and Radiation Manipulation, Biological Manipulation (Triggers are capable of resisting the effects of conventional weaponry, including a variety of chemical weapons, poisons, and radiation sickness,[2] and disobey the laws of biology to begin with[7] due to inhabiting the spiritual and mental layers simultaneously[4]), Void Manipulation (Triggers are capable of surviving exposure to Red Gashes, which are described as a total annihilation of "anything and everything"[9] that extends to every layer, including the Conceptual[12]), Statistics Reduction (Homewreckers are acclimated to Red Gashes and their weakening effects[26]), Telepathy (A Trigger's use of both the Mental Layer and their physical brain makes them difficult to read through interpreting either individually[7]), Power Nullification and Absorption (Can withstand the effects of Gash cracks, which are capable of absorbing energy and negating the effects of Unique Powers such as Silas' Cosmo Expansion or Blur's Temporal Shroud[21]), Time Manipulation (Warrane was capable of retaining consciousness and eventually moving his body out of stopped time, which was affecting a Gash that lacked time to begin with.[9] The Wife Beaters as a whole could also eventually overcome the effect, and were unaffected by the ensuing Temporal Rewind[21]), Probability Manipulation (Warrane was capable of withstanding Aisha's Unique Power,[3] which allows her to manipulate possible outcomes in order to pick favorable scenarios[7]), Immersion (Triggers are capable of defending against Mirror Man's ability to immerse themselves into the reflections of their eyes[8]), Explosion Manipulation (Blur was able to negate lower-end uses of[21] Warrane's Crunch, which spawns an otherwise indefensible explosion on top of a given target[27]), Pain Manipulation, Perception Manipulation (Triggers can resist Soothsayer's ability to induce these effects[28]), Absolute Zero (While nearly being brought to death, Warrane ultimately survived his entire body being brought to absolute zero temperatures, and eventually overcame the effect[16]), Illusion Manipulation (Triggers can resist the effects of Hellfire Inferno Blazing Starfire's Grand Mirage, which create illusions that can fool both mind and soul[7]), Precognition (Triggers are capable of resisting Xander Phoenix's ability to perceive their future actions[29]), Death Manipulation (Blur, Linton and Stevens were able to endure Penelope directly commanding them to die through her property inducement, only decomposing and ultimately failing to prevent them from fighting[20]), Paralysis Inducement (Penelope was initially only able to command Blur to stop for a fraction of a second before her resistances overcame it,[17] Triggers can resist Trail Mark, where Heinrich Richardson creates paralytic sound around a given target[7]), Information Manipulation (Type 2, Triggers are capable of resisting the reality altering effect of Sequence Deviation, which retroactively accommodates the numerical alterations of it it's use[27]), Resistance Negation (Triggers can defend against The Lizard Wizard's Murder of the Universe, which disables resistance to "Red Gash"[7])
Attack Potency: Small City level+ (Fought The Wife Beaters on Day 5, ruptured Warrane Ambre's skull and a portion of his brain[11])
Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Noted to have a speed surpassing any enemies The Wife Beaters had previously fought,[11] exceeding Xander Phoenix in this regard), Sub Relativistic via Flashstep (Allows Aohd to move five times as quickly by causing spatial distortions around his body[2])
Lifting Strength: At least Class G (While possessing an E rank strength, should exceed Gash bears, which are able to throw a massive sphere of concrete at bullet speeds[18])
Striking Strength: Small City level+
Durability: Small City level+
Stamina: Superhuman (Triggers in general are inhumanly resilient, with even freshly awakened Triggers retaining consciousness through being impaled and serrated across their body, only to regenerate and continue fighting.[30] Endured being reduced completely to a skeleton[11])
Range: Tens of Meters through his Unique Power (Was capable of targeting Silas from approximately 60 meters away through stretching himself[11]), Tens of Kilometers with Energy Blast (While exceeding a Kilometer of range requires proper aim, Energy Blasts have a maximum range of the Trigger's line of sight,[2] which can easily go up to this distance[30])
Standard Equipment: Several spare sets of clothing, tracking darts
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Possesses S[5] Intellegence, making them exceed Warrane Ambre at the start of Hellcity)
Weaknesses: Notably fickle, prone to surrendering and defecting to another side when faced with imminent defeat/death.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Perfect Form, Brutal Restraint: Aohd's Unique Power renders his body a perfectly malleable substance, allowing him to morph his body into a variety of advantageous forms. Most notable is it's capabilities in compressing to the degree he is able to pass through his and other's biology through slipping into their pores or other bodily openings.
- Lobotomy Battle: One of Aohd's specialty techniques, passing through the openings of an enemy's body or even forcefields and jamming his fingers into their vital organs, before violently decompressing them to cause precise and debilitating damage.
- ↑ Valhalla Intro
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 Valhalla Character Creation and Gameplay Mechanics
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Hellcity Session 7
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Meta Discussions
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Aohd's Character Sheet
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Hellcity Session 3.1
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 Dossiers Channel
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Hellcity Session 4
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Hellcity Session 1
- ↑ Hellcity Session 3.2
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Hellcity Session 15
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 Hellcity Session 8
- ↑ Interlude 3
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Hellcity Session 10
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Training Wing 006 Test Session
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Hellcity Session 9
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 Side Case 3.1
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Hellcity Interlude 1
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 Hellcity Session 16
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 Side Case 3.2
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 Hellcity Session 2
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 Side Case 2
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 Hellcity Session 13
- ↑ Hellcity Session 11
- ↑ Hellcity Interlude 2
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Status Effect Table
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 Warrane Ambre's Character Sheet
- ↑ Soothsayer's Character Sheet
- ↑ Xander Phoenix's Character Sheet
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 Original Run
Notable Matchups[]
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: