"What's the matter? A tougher woman is too much for ya, Mr. Blue Balls?"
-Amazon Warrior to Spearman

Amazon Warrior (real name, Diana) was a silver-ranked adventurer at the Adventurer's Guild. She went on several adventures with Conan during which she developed a romantic relationship with him, and eagerly continues adventuring.
Abilities and Stats[]
Tier: At least 9-B, likely 9-A
Name: Diana, Amazon Warrior
Origin: The Stranded Barbarian
Gender: Female
Age: Presumably her mid 20s
Classification: Human, Warrior, Amazon
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Enhanced Senses
Attack Potency: At least Wall Level, likely Small Building Level (somewhat comparable to Conan, was able to easily kill trolls)
Speed: At least Subsonic+ (sparred with Conan, was able to deflect arrows)
Lifting Strength: Class 25 (despite losing, she was able to match Conan for a time in arm wrestling)
Striking Strength: At least Wall Class, likely Small Building Class (made Conan double over with a punch)
Durability: At least Wall Level, likely Small Building Level
Stamina: At least Superhuman (should physically be above Goblin Slayer)
Range: Standard melee range, extended melee range with her axe
Standard Equipment: Battle Axe
Intelligence: Above average (as an experienced adventurer, she should have greater intelligence than a normal person)
Weaknesses: None notable
- Killed many monsters such as trolls, werevolves and goblins
- Matched Conan in armwrestling for a while
- Was able to harm a Rock Eater
- Harmed Conan with a gut punch
- Deflected arrows with her axe
- Took hits from Conan while sparring
- Was able to continue fighting despite being injured
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: