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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Amazing Horse by HTF-YTP
Look at my horse. / My horse is amazing.
~ Initial lyrics.


The Amazing Horse is the main protagonist of MrWeebl's memetic animated music video Amazing Horse.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Unknown, likely at least 7-A

Name: Amazing Horse (or just Horse)

Origin: Amazing Horse

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Amazing Horse

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Toonforce (through it, he has Creation [can summon a small piano, visor glasses and lemonade, among others], Shapeshifting/Elasticity [can turn into a plane and morph different parts of his body, elongating them or making them more human-like], Reality Warping [In Shetland Pony the horse's owner touches him and turns the sky into an acid trip, similar to his plane ability, though the horse can act and do all he does on his own]), possibly Teleportation (In the extended version he seemingly teleports away while initially being in front of the woman.)

Attack Potency: Unknown, at least Wall level (Never directly attacks anything, but is still a horse [albeit an amazing one].), likely at least Mountain level+ (Through casual KE.)

Speed: At least Relativistic+ (Implied to have this level of speed, at least casually. Bullets don't faze him in the slightest.), likely Massively FTL+ (Can supposedly take people around the Universe in a relatively short time span.)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown

Durability: Unknown, at least Wall level (Is never hit, but has bulletproof hooves.), possibly at least Mountain level+ (Can likely withstand his own KE.)

Stamina: Unknown, likely Superhuman

Range: Standard melee range

Intelligence: At least Average (Can talk, play a small piano and drive a hearse as seen in Amazing Hearse.)

Weaknesses: None notable.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
