Aimee Whitfield is a character featured in Paranoia. After the influence of The Strongest Trauma User around the world, the American Mafia hired one of the finest scientists from Hawaii to create a weapon capable of matching Lenakot's almighty power.
Born as a sickly orphan, Aimee starts her journey, finding herself embroiled in the world of Trauma Users as she experiences multiple horrific experiments. Eventually, she becomes the very first prototype cyborg with the Advanced Radioactive Emitter System (ARES); awakening the laser-projecting Trauma, A Thousand Greeting, developing an amoral behavior in the process.
“ | Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional | „ |
~ Aimee |
Aimee is a tormented girl that has gone through a lot since her birth. She was born from a corpse of her dying mother in the morgue and raised by gangsters, who sent her to be experimented on in a desperate and futile attempt to kill Lenakot. It didn't help that Aimee was forcibly placed in life-or-death situations, reluctantly killing orphans just to survive. This greatly scarred Aimee and lead her to be an extremely lethal girl.
Things took a turn after being forced into Project ARES, a new project of making cybernetic humans. Though Aimee was reluctant at first, it's not that she can refuse it either. Aimee only trusted in her weapon, Moretsuna - a sword given to her by the ARES scientist. The blade seemed more than just a weapon and became her only source of sanity. Soon, she successfully finished most of the tests but at the cost of her humanity slowly fading as time went on. It was during another mass slaughter that Aimee had an epiphany of her own life, being experimented once again were she is given about 500 years worth of information about famous warriors. Throughout her life, all she had seen are of pure blood and violence, thus developing her apathetic and amoral behavior.
Current times are set six years after Aimee is under Project ARES, she became cold and detached in nature. She cared little of anyone, including herself, developing such a deadly and powerful Trauma, named A Thousand Greeting. Through all of the slaughter she displays, they are but a cover for the sorrow she feels from the despicable horrors she experienced and the longing for a purpose she's been stripped off of. Eventually becoming the very first successful prototype and having cybernetics replace her weak and sickly petite body, Aimee is sent to more dangerous missions. This eventually led her down a path of finding one's own purpose and a chance to redeem herself.
Short and Cute. The best combo
Aimee is a young, petite, albino, American woman of below-average height with neck-length black hair. Her outfit consists of a black coat on top of a her black bikini along with a black garter belt, barely covering her slick white body. Aimee also wears a black mask that covers her mouth that prevents her face from being known. Aside from her attire, Aimee possesses red eyes, being both captivating yet lethal. Her accessories cements this, as she has her trusty sword attached to one of her thigh straps.
When she was a child, Aimee Whitfield was very meek and withdrawn. Melancholic and powerless due to her sickness, Aimee solely dealt with every experiment Project ARES has put her through, not daring to stand up for herself, knowing that doing so would result in her death. Wanting to survive, she reluctantly began following each test that they gave her.
After the awakening of her Trauma, the scientists used this opportunity to change Aimee's mindset forever, changing her physically and emotionally. Since then, Aimee's mind broke into multiple pieces; taking her past and molding it as the foundation of her personality. Her past experiences further help shape her philosophy; that humans should be "hungry", no matter the circumstances. She believes that because of this, humans must constantly look for a way to progress, and to her, that is the only way one can achieve fulfillment. Aimee only believes in the law of the jungle, stating that it doesn't matter if one is a gazelle or a lion- when it is time, one must run or else they will starve.
Disregarding the risks or the consequences, Aimee focuses on her goal and puts it above anything else. Furthermore, she has no qualm about being violent or playing dirty just to kill her opponent, always being the dominant side due to her immense power and strength despite her small appearance. This amoral selfishness extends past to her enemies and even includes her allies, demonstrated when Aimee kills her fellow participants, following her philosophy of needing to be "hungry". However, furthermore, she stated that gaining "power" is different from "progression", as power only corrupts one and doesn't progress oneself, but rather stagnates it. On the other hand, progression is, in a way, a method of achieving fulfillment or happiness, some thing that humans all want to achieve in the end.
Having gained 500 years of history, Aimee became somewhat compassionate towards people, though she is having an extremely hard time merely due to the way she was made to be both psychologically and mentally. She now views the world as not entirely black, but a lighter shade of grey, mostly because of the horrific scenery she witnessed during those 500 years. To her, there are indeed people good but there are so few that their actions becomes irrelevant. Her philosophy of hunger also gets changed, albeit slightly. She believes that one must control said hunger and mustn't bite down more than they could chew.
“ | You would run much slower if you were dragging something behind you. It's best to leave one behind to progress, even if it means piling up corpses to reach your dream. | „ |
~ Aimee's philosophy |
“ | After all, if you run far enough, no one can catch you. | „ |
~ Aimee quoting V.E Schwab |
“ | The sharpest minds often ruin their lives by overthinking the next step, while the dull win the race with closed eyes. | „ |
~ Aimee |
“ | If chaos is a necessary step in the organization of one's universe, then I was well on my way. | „ |
~ Aimee's chaotic nature |
“ | "The law of the jungle." That's something I've seen and experienced. There are situations where if you have done this sooner... you might have avoided something bad. Or you pass or didn't pass an exam... things where the result... is either good or bad.
„ |
~ Aimee's ideology about being "hungry" |
“ | Power and Progression are different. Gaining power wouldn't just corrupt them, but will stagnate their progress- they cannot move forward with that. If you want to progress, you must learn when and when not to be hungry, "control" is the most crucial aspect. | „ |
~ Aimee |
“ | Oftentimes we ran so fast, that we don't realize how far we had come. I too have been in your place, struggling. Born without hope, without family, without friends. But from that nothingness, you can build yourself wholly; and through that, you can walk the path that you choose. | „ |
~ Aimee to Samuel |
“ | Yes, I do agree that there are good people, but there's so few of them that it becomes irrelevant. But who knows? Maybe one day it will | „ |
~ Aimee after experiencing 500 years worth of horrific history |
Combat Statistics[]
Tier: 7-C physically, 6-A, possibly 4-B with A Thousand Greeting, Unknown with Moretsuna
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics (ARES are cyborgs created of matching Lenakot's power, far surpassing humans), Extrasensory Perception & Enhanced Senses (ARES allows it's user to detect a person through a wall via utilizing gravitational and electromagnetic waves, as well as brainwaves, emotions, and even souls), Clairvoyance, Information Analysis, Retrocognition, Precognition, Self-Perception Manipulation (By analyzing the molecular changes, Aimee can perceive events from the past and is capable of creating an emulation about the future as well as the past), Hacking (Can interfere with electronic devices), Analysis Negation (By interfering with the surrounding are, she is able to prevent detection-related and information related devices creating infohazards), Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2, and 3; The ARES grants recyclable and endless oxygen, as well as a replenishable energy source, making them immune to hunger, tiredness, or sleep), Regeneration (Low-Godly; By reverse-engineering the "Laceration" effect, ARES grants its user the ability to regenerate), Immortality (Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 & 8; ARES cyborgs are unaffected by aging, and their enhanced physique allow them to receive a harder beating than normal humans, capable of functioning even with a major brain or heart damage. Thanks to the Preservatory System, a backup body would be created for her conscience to inhabit. She cannot die as long as she transferred her conscience, memory data to the database; if the datasbase is destroyed she won't die until her Trauma is nullified or destroyed), Resurrection (Should the current body be destroyed her conscience as well as her memory data will automatically be put into an inactive Aimee Whitfield), Accelerated Development (ARES allows its user to develop much faster than humans), Body Control, Shapeshifting (The artificial body made by ARES automatically manipulates the cells of the body to adapt slashing, piercing or blunt attacks, shaping the body to fit the situation), Cyborgization (Full; Completely replaces Aimee's sickly and weak body with an entirely new one) and possibly Inorganic Physiology (Type 2), Genius Intelligence, Acrobatics, Martial Arts (Has gained over 500 years worth of knowledge, giving her the intellect of Sun Tzu, the technique of Bruce Lee, so on and so forth), Durability Negation, Regeneration Negation (Low-Godly; Lacerate negates cellular to quintessential regeneration, due to the ARES system affecting the soul.), Immortality Negation (Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8; Lacerate is capable of stripping of a cyborgs' regeneration factor as well as stripping one of their "Preservatory Systems", capable of destroying one's consciousness even without her Trauma), Vector Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (Moretsuna's primary ability can alter, absorb, and negate any kind of vectors which can bypass Attack Reflection, Barriers/Forcefields and Vector Shields), Non-Physical Interaction, Empathic Manipulation (The ARES has a built-in brainwave detector that allows its user to tamper with one's emotions by manipulating their biochemical algorithm and even interact with one's soul and affect them), Stealth Mastery (Has noise-dampening and sound-absorbing soles that increases stealth).
Animal Manipulation (Summoning of a blue lion and an orange gazelle), Energy Projection, Limited Heat Manipulation, Soul Manipulation (The blue lion can summon lasers that can melt an enemy, including their soul), Existence Erasure, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2; The laser destroys their concept and erases their existence), Homing Attack, Intangibility (The laser is guided by the orange gazelle and will always follow it, even phasing through objects if need be), BFR, Void Manipulation, Death Manipulation (Once hit, the target will be forever banished in nonexistence, stated to slowly rot until they die), Pocket Reality Manipulation (The void created by A Thousand Greeting is a separate reality from the universe)
Resistance to Diseases, Electricity, Extreme Heat, Cold and Poisons (The cybernetic body provides a filter system against toxins, replenishing system for diseases, and insulation against electricity, heat, and cold) Durability Negation, Regeneration Negation, (Low-Godly), Matter Manipulation, Vector Manipulation (ARES is capable to counteracting Lacerate, as well as changes to one's matter by virtue of it's shapeshifting body), Immortality Negation (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, & 8; Is capable of resisting Lacerates' effects on her Preservatory Systems), Energy Projection, Soul Manipulation, BFR, Void Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Pocket Reality Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Due to being the very first successful prototype of ARES, the system is capable of resisting their own Trauma abilities), Cosmic Radiation (The cybernetics is tough enough to survive space), Hacking, Information Analysis (By jamming the surrounding environment, ARES is capable of preventing analysis)
Attack Potency: Town level physically (Her strength is comparable to an Atomic Bomb, which can output about 15 Kilotons), Continent level with A Thousand Greeting (The laser fired is estimated to have a force comparable to a Solar Flare), possibly Solar System level (Had the laser not missed, it would've destroyed Mars and the other planets), Unknown with Moretsuna (The blade creates vectors that nullify any other vector it comes in contact with, allowing her to disrupt abilities with it; Lacerate ignores durability)
Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Her speed is estimated to be at Mach 220, which is comparable to a meteor's top speed), Massively FTL with A Thousand Greeting (The laser she fired was fast enough to reach the very edge of the Solar System, with she herself being able to move at the same speed), far higher Reactions with ARES (The system slows down her perception of time to become faster)
Lifting Strength: Class 100 (The cybernetics provided allowed her to casually lift a tank and threw it without much effort)
Striking Strength: Town level (Comparable to her attack potency, her punches was able to completely pulverize a skyscraper)
Durability: Unknown, likely Continent level possibly Solar System level with A Thousand Greeting (The ARES embedded in her body is capable of tanking her Trauma's attack)
Stamina: Limitless (The cybernetics endlessly replenish her energy thanks to the modifications to her circulatory system, providing endless and recyclable stamina)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with Moretsuna, Interplanetary with A Thousand Greeting (The laser she fired was long enough to reach the very edge of the solar system), Interdimensional via Banishment (Creates a separate reality that banishes the target hit into nonexistence)
Moretsuna (猛烈な lit. Fierce Vehemence): Aimee's primary weapon, Moretsuna appears to be a black sword with an elegant design: blood red guard, and small interloping tassels. It is a sword that was made to suit Aimee's way of fighting enemies, with as much power and durability it can muster. It is capable of slicing buildings in half without any problem. tear apart battleships like it's paper and even bypass forcefields thanks to its immense sharpness. Furthermore, she is able to call the sword back at her, with it having an I.D lock that'll use its ability to anyone who tries wielding it.
- Vector Alteration (数学の挑戦 (ベクトル変更) Sūgaku no chōsen (Bekutoru daitai), lit. "Math Defiance"): The unique ability of the first weapon's sword Moretsuna, developed through Aimee's Trauma. Commonly known as Vector Alteration, Vector Absorption or Vector Defiance, it creates vectors, which allows Aimee to alter, absorb, and defy any vectors that sword comes in contact with. It allows her to negate all kinds of vectors, including those worked under different laws like magic, energy, and even Trauma abilities. This ability is at its most effective when pitted against vector shields, forcefields, barriers, and any type of defense. Unfortunately, this does not affect 'esoteric' types of power and abilities that transcend vectors or mathematics. For instance, Lenakot's Blind Alley simply nullified the sword's power merely due to them transcending said power completely.
- Lacerate: An ability developed by the scientist to help strengthen the blade, which permanently makes the target bleed, allowing the sword to prevent cellular and even quintessential regeneration thanks to the "ARES" system, which can affect the soul. Furthermore, it is capable of stripping one of it's Preservatory Systems, capable of "killing" one's consciousness even without the use of her Trauma.
Intelligence: Genius. Gained about 500 years worth of battle experience from every battle general, hitmen, and martial artist in history, individuals like Sun Tzu, Bruce Lee, and many more have their techniques and intellect implemented to Aimee's brain. Due to this, she is very intelligent fighter. Capable of thinking up plans on the fly and fully utilize her Trauma effectively despite its destructive nature.
Weakness: Suffers from extreme PTSD.
Key: Cybernetic Enhanced
- Against the Indian terrorist group, she is able to effortlessly slice Mark 23 artillery shells.
- In her first encounter against a casual Assyria, the laser she fired was reflected but managed to tank her own attack.
- Said laser that was reflected was so fast that it reached the very edge of the solar system. Had it not missed, she would've destroyed Mars and the rest of the planets
- Has a kill record of over 100,000 men, with the first 1,000 being the orphans she killed during her experiments whilst she was just 8 years old.
- Capable of moving at Mach 220 and move as fast as the laser she fired.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
A Thousand Greeting: A Trauma she developed upon finishing multiple test trials provided by Project ARES. The ability consists of two objects, one is a blue colored lion, second is an orange gazelle.
- Laser Redirection: A Thousand Greeting's ability is simple: the blue colored lion fires a laser, to which that laser would always follow the orange gazelle. Said laser will always chase the orange gazelle, curving, avoiding, and even phasing through obstacles if need be. When the laser hits the gazelle it doesn't take any damage. The ability is capable of being offensively, such as ordering the gazelle to ensnare the enemy so the laser will strike the enemy instead of itself, which will cease the enemy instantly as well as their soul, effacing their concept and expunge their existence. Furthermore, the amount of lions and gazelles she can summon is unlimited, which is impressive given a mere single laser is enough to eviscerate celestial bodies; and having millions of them fired all at once would be unimaginable to scale.
- Banishment: Once the target gets expunged, the Trauma creates a separate reality where they'll banished in the void, slowly rotting to death.
ARES (Advanced Radioactive Emitter System): A project developed by the American Mafia in the hopes of killing or matching Lenakot, it's a system that gives it's wielder immense power. The system modifies one's own circulatory system to provide recyclable and endless stamina that allows its user to even work underwater or on space.
- Cybernetic Suit: A suit worn by Aimee which increases her combat capability. It is garmented with highly advanced graphene, artificial muscle tissue, and aerogel skin that automatically shapeshifts to counteract any kind of impact, providing increased protection against slashing, piercing, and blunt attacks. The strength increase is high enough that Aimee is capable of decimating skyscrapers with her punches alone. Additionally, the program provides a faster growth spur, capable of learning things faster, and getting stronger at a quick pace. Its aerogel design minimizes drag allowing for increased speed, amplifying her endurance, strength, and recovery rate. It has an advanced filtering system that protects her from toxins and allows her to operate in extreme climates. It incorporates noise-dampening and sound-absorbing soles that enables stealth. Furthermore, it utilizes the "Laceration" effect and reverse-engineering it to provide regeneration, allowing the user to return from a single cell. This even allow one to keep functioning even with a major damage at the brain or at the heart.
- Doppler Effect: An advanced radar system that utilizes electromagnetic and gravitational waves, allowing her to sense a person through a wall, as well as a brainwave detector that allows her to tamper with someone's emotions by altering one's biochemical algorithm, even allowing her to affect one's soul directly. Because of this, it grants her the ability to see through objects, make out past events by analyzing the molecular changes in the background, and even prevent other people from analyzing her by jamming and hacking their devices as well as creating infohazards to negate detection and information-related abilities.
- Chrono Stasis: By modifying the Dorsolateral prefrontal right cortex, the user slows down their perception towards time, allowing one to analyze the environment and further increasing her reaction time.
- Self-Trauma Immunity: As a byproduct of Aimee's Trauma as well as Moretsuna's abilities, modifying and reverse-engineering it is easy enough. This essentially makes Aimee become immune to her own Trauma abilities, including Moretsuna's vector-altering and regeneration-negating abilities.
- Preservatory System: A backup system that automatically operates if where the cyborg's body is destroyed. This is done through a two-way protection system, where one's consciousness is infused with their Trauma as well as being imbedded to the database, which if it were to be destroyed, allows one to continue existing despite the destruction of either one. When this happens, the database will immediately create a backup body for the cyborg to inhabit, implanting their conscience as well as their memory data. Thus, the cyborg cannot die so long as the two factors are erased: that being their Trauma and the Database itself.
- Aimee's birthday is April 9, 2004 and was made as a character on August 16, 2022.
- Aimee's character is inspired by Berserk, Chainsaw Man, Metal Gear, and the game ULTRAKILL.
- The music incorporated are actually the music I listened to when I'm making the character, as it represents her demented and corrupted nature as a cyborg. Like a machine, she cares little about anything, which led me into choosing ULTRAKILL music since it's very chaotic and violent.
- The name "Aimee" is a feminine given name of French origin, translated as "beloved", "dearly loved", and "amazing". Ironically, her story proves so otherwise.
- The last name, "Whitfield", means "white" or "from a small field" in Old English, which is symbolical given her skin color.
- The tsuba on her sword, Moretsuna, is actually connected to the scabbard. This is mainly due to her drawing the sword so fast that the tsuba gets sliced every time she does it; so, she requested the director to modify the sword's guard, turning it into what it is today.