“ | At last... Let me rest... It is time. (...) No... There is an egg hidden away... It is in the northern Virava beneath the Verichi cave... Do as you wish with this... | „ |
~ Ahsoars's last words to Basvara |
Ahsoars vyna Tarava is a character from Crestseal. She is a Viravan and the granddaughter of Kryn-ge-Raned vyn Taryal
Born Prisoner[]
Ahsoars was born to Tarava vyn Ricav and an unknown father. Tarava was the daughter of the late Ricav vyn Taryal, much better known as Kryn-ge-Raned vyn Taryal. Due to her father's actions and her support for the said actions, Tarava spent the majority of her life in prison. She gave birth to Ahsoars in 557, and died herself in 560.
With her mother's death, Ahsoars was left with no guidance. She had very limited interaction with the guards as a child and did not learn the language properly. The Virava establishment of the time, led by Terasyna vyn Na de-Randa saw her as a stain and a dark legacy of Kryn's time, thus had very little sympathy for her despite her not having committed any crime. She lived her entire life in prison and was eventually sentenced to death by Tersyna in 578, at the age of 21. Although she had limited intellect and knowledge of language, she understood what this meant.
Awakening and Escape[]
During her execution, she unexpectedly awakened her powers. This was an exceptionally rare case as Ahsoars was not a combatant and never learned any power systems, yet she awakened a particularly potent power. She ran away from the region and hid for over three months, during which she hatched an egg and hid it. After this, she appeared in northern Virava and started to attack everything she saw, rampaging through the City and killing anything that got her attention.
Battle against Basvara[]
All those who tried to defeat her fell and Ahsoars was free to cause more rampage and destroy the entire region. Everyone was running away from, civilians and combatants alike. She targeted surrounding buildings and decimated the region. Eventually, she saw two people running straight at her, Basvara vyna Sratek and Ennay vyn Mard. Ennay constructed Matveil who seemed troublesome, while Basvara just observed the situation from a distance. As the battle continued, the creature was wounded badly when Ahsoars threw debris at him, and then she threw the same debris at its constructor unexpectedly, severely maiming him and reducing him to a head and half torso. But, surprisingly, they both suddenly disappeared.
About half an hour later Basvara returned stronger than before, but still without tools to match Ahsoars. The two battled for nearly an hour with Basvara taking considerable injury, suddenly she constructed the same creature, who was able to go through the innate nature of Ahsoars and wound her somewhat. From there on, Ahsoars mostly avoided the creature and solely targeted Basvara, eventually getting close enough to deliver a punch and kill her, but she was struck by a bolt of strange lightning that also went through her defenses. Moments before her death, Ahsoars's sanity returned. She had been in a dream-like state since her awakening, unable to control herself, she felt happy what she considered a nightmare was finally over. Basvara asked her if she had any last wishes. Ahsoars, being so relaxed too, said no, but shortly after she remembered and told Basvara that she hatched an egg a few days ago, told her the location of her egg, and told her to do whatever she wanted to do with this knowledge. Ahsoars died just after informing Basvara of this.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 6-C
Name: Ahsoars vyna Tarava
Origin: Crestseal
Gender: Female
Age: 21 years old at death (Born in 557, died in 578)
Classification: Palovan (Virava)
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Immortality (Type 1; Ahsoars does not age because of her innate nature)
- Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, 3; Ahsoars doesn't need any sustenance or sleep and she also never gets tired because of her innate nature)
- Free Movement and Flight (Ahsoars can move freely towards any direction, completely ignoring physics and gravity as she moves because of her innate nature)
- Durability Negation, Invulnerability, Causality Manipulation and Acausality (Type 4; Ahsoars's innate nature causes her "progress" to be stopped. This means she cannot progress or regress any more than her present state, this prevents her from aging, getting hungry, getting wet in water, or being staggered. Her movement cannot be stopped or blocked and she cannot be affected by anything as that would require her to progress and change. She is immune to flinching. She can stop the progress of anything she interacts with, weaponizing them when she throws them to her target, which will just go through them as their progress is stopped)
- Telekinesis and Danmaku (Ahsoars can interact with things without directly touching them, can lift a large amount of dirt and debris from around herself, and throw them to her targets. She can also use her breath, both of which are deadly if imbued with her innate nature)
- Spatial Manipulation (Ahsoars can cut through space itself and warp space to cross large distances very quickly because of her innate nature)
- Negation of Reactive Evolution (Matveil under Ennay vyn Mard failed to generate even a single adjustment against her innate nature)
Attack Potency: Island level (Capable of damaging Basvara's Matveil with physical attacks even after it adjusted to her innate nature)
Speed: Subsonic with Relativistic reactions (Faster than the Astravar Spherers she fought against, who should be comparable to an Aspirantze. Kept up with Basvara)
Lifting Strength: Unknown (Ahsoar's innate nature makes it hard to deduce this, as she cannot be stopped or grappled with and her motion cannot be prevented)
Striking Strength: Island level (Capable of damaging Basvara's Matveil with physical attacks even after it adjusted to her innate nature)
Durability: Island level
Stamina: Infinite (Due to Ahsoar's innate nature, Ahsoars never gets tired and can continue to act forever)
Range: Standard Melee Range, up to Dozens of Meters to Several Kilometers with projectiles (Ahsoars can throw varying amounts of dirt and debris, a small amount can cover up to 50-60 meters, while significantly large amount can cover up to two kilometers)
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Animalistic. Being imprisoned for nearly all of her life and not interacting with anyone had a detrimental effect on her mental health. When she was first released, she was hardly able to follow a conversation and respond. After awakening her innate nature, she seemingly lost all her sanity, acting just on instinct and responding with loud growls when anyone attempted to speak to her
Standard Tactics:
Ahsoars will warp herself close to the target and strike them with a punch. She always targets the head if the target has one. An evasive target may prompt her to use projectiles. She is very aggressive, relentless, and naturally bloodlusted
Weaknesses: Ahsoars is not a good combatant, not intelligent, has not mastered her innate nature and can never master due to her lack of intellect, meaning the offensive application of it does not always work
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Ahsoar's innate nature: The innate nature of Ahsoars she awakened just before her execution. This causes her "progress" to be stopped, what this means is that she cannot be influenced by outside forces. She does not age, does not need sustenance or rest, can act forever, her motion cannot be stopped and she cannot be staggered in any way. She can move through any surface, including air and void of space, completely ignoring the laws of physics and gravity.
- Ahsoar's innate nature: Offense: Ahsoars can occasionally weaponize her innate nature in the form of ranged projectiles. She grabs dirt and debris from the ground and throws them at her targets. With their own progress stopped, these debris are extremely deadly as they will go through anything they interact with. She has not mastered this and it seemingly works at random times
- Ahsoar's innate nature: Distance: Ahsoars can interact with things without directly touching them, remotely lifting huge amounts of debris and throwing them at their targets. She has not mastered this and it seemingly works at random times
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches
Akumo (Veneficaverse) Akumo's Profile (Evolution of Will Akumo was used, starting distance was 20 meters, and speed was equalized)
Alela Stardust (Veneficaverse) Alela's Profile (Tempest Deity Alela was used, starting distance was 100 meters, Speed was equalized)