FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Ironically, Peter Parker's worst enemy and Spider-Man's greatest fan are the same person: Eugene "Flash" Thompson. After losing his legs while serving in the military, Flash's superiors made him an offer he couldn't refuse: to become the new host of the Venom symbiote, turning him into a super-soldier with enhanced strength, agility, and, most importantly to Flash... the ability to walk again. However, the deal was not without peril; as Agent Venom, Flash must maintain constant mental discipline, lest the alien symbiote seize control of his body and dominate him forever. Official Bio

Formerly known as the Scorpion, Mac Gargan later became the host of the Venom symbiote, an alien being that gives its host superhuman strength, regeneration, and an intense hatred of Spider-Man. Official Bio

Personal Statistics

Name: Eugene "Flash" Thompson, Flash, Agent Venom, Venom

Origin: Avengers Alliance

Gender: Male (Flash), Agender (Venom)

Age: 20's (Flash), Unknown (Venom)

Weight: 185 lbs (Flash), Varies (Venom)

Height: 6'2 (Flash), Varies (Venom)

Affiliation: Guardians of the Galaxy, Secret Avengers, Symbiotes, Thunderbolts (Flash). Dark Avengers, Sinister Six, Symbiotes (Venom)

Powers and Stats

Tier: Low 7-C | 4-B

Key: Agent Venom | Venom

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics, Statistics Amplification (Improve attack, durability, accuracy and speed to fellow symbiotes by 15%), Healing, Regeneration (Mid, High-Mid for the Symbiote), Probability Manipulation (Chance to reduce attacks that would kill to heavily injure instead), Transformation (Into Venom [when Venom is enraged or Flash is outmatched]), Weapon Mastery, Martial Arts, Explosion Manipulation, Blessed (Can make himself and allies perform counter attacks better, also via the symbiote), Durability Negation, Power Nullification, Statistics Reduction, Pressure Points, Fire Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Multiple Personalities, Elasticity, Body Control, Surface Scaling, Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Thread Manipulation (Can generate Spider-Webs), Resistance to Status Effect Inducement, Precognition, Poison Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, Paralysis Inducement and Disease Manipulation

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics, Statistics Amplification, Transformation (Into Agent Venom), Healing, Regeneration (High-Mid), Immortality (Type 3), Longevity, Precognition, Enhanced Senses (360 degree vision), Telepathy (Symbiotes can talk to their hosts via telepathy, as well as other symbiotes over longer distances), Power Mimicry (Absorbs powers on the cellular level with those they bond with), Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Shapeshifting, Elasticity, Weapon Creation (Can reshape his body to resemble weapons), Size Manipulation, Stealth Mastery, Invisibility, Possession (Can posses multiple characters at once), Body Puppetry, Duplication, Memory Manipulation (Can alter it's hosts memories), Probability Manipulation (Chance to reduce attacks that would kill to heavily injure instead), Rage Power, Blessed (Improve attack, durability, accuracy and speed to fellow symbiotes by 15%), Durability Negation (Bypass forcefields, extra damage to those under bad status effects, extra damage to those under statistics amplification), Power Nullification (Prevents and removes forcefields), Statistics Reduction, Damage Reduction, Disease Manipulation, Forcefield Creation, Resistance to Disease Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Poison Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, Acid Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Precognition, Stealth Mastery, Fear Manipulation, Power Nullification and Radiation Manipulation

Attack Potency: Small Town level (Portrayed to be on the level of Spider-Man (Avengers Alliance). [1.271 Kilotons]) | Solar System level (Comparable to Thor. [1.064 MegaFoe])

Speed: FTL (Via powerscaling to Spider-Man. [4.94c]) | Massively FTL+ (Consistently comparable to Hulk, Thor and others this level. [48,880,800,000,000,000c])

Lifting Strength: Class M (Via powerscaling, casually lifted a tank) | At least Class M (Can casually rip through Spider-Man's webs)

Striking Strength: Small Town Class | Solar System Class

Durability: Small Town level | Solar System level

Stamina: Godly. (Enhanced by the Venom symbiote makes Flash have extremely high levels regen, comparable to that of godly beings like Asgardians) | Godly. (Comparable to Asgardians like Thor and superpowered beings like Hulk)

Range: Melee range, Dozens of Metres with grenades, Hundreds of Metres with firearms | Melee Range, Intergalactic with telepathy

Standard Equipment:

  • Isotope-8: Iso-8 boosts the characters; Speed, Attack, Durability, Stamina, and Accuracy.
    • Assertive E-Iso-8: All allies have heightened combat awareness, increasing their ability to counter attack.
    • Genetic Memory Empowered Iso-8: All Symbiote allies have their: Attack, Durability, Speed, Stamina and Accuracy increased by 15% (This also includes anyone being enhanced by a symbiote).

Intelligence: Gifted. Is a highly trained operative military operative who's an expert with weapons and martial arts. He's also able to use Venom's abilities extremely effectively and has synergized with the symbiote well. | Gifted. Extremely smart, able to keep Spider-Man on his toes, has a fairly high cosmic knowledge due to being in space for a long time.

Weaknesses: Vulnerable to sonic and fire attacks | Vulnerable to sonic and fire attacks


Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Agent Venom
    • Advanced Combat Training: A combination of martial art moves. Creates a debuff that makes melee attacks do 25% more damage and removes and prevents protection effects.
    • Go Long: Fires a burst from his gun. Further ranged attack do 25% damage. Applies a debuff depending on the opponents class:
      • Blaster: Attacks do does 20% less attack damage and can't crit, removes and prevents attack increasing effects
      • Bruiser: Removes and prevents statistics amplification
      • Infiltrator: Prevents counter attacks
      • Scrapper: Prevents follow up attacks
      • Tactician: Heavily exhausts opponents
      • Generalist: Attack, Accuracy, and Speed are reduced by 18%
    • Bullet Blitz: Shoots bullets rapidly at the opponent. Prevents further enemy attacks from being stealthy, hits enemy pressure points reducing enemy attack, accuracy, durability and speed by 25%
    • Hail Mary: Throws a grenade at the opponent. Deals extra damage on critical hits, does more damage the lower Flash's health is, makes the opponents burn and bleed.
  • Venom
    • Rip To Shreds: Melee slashing attack. Deals 50% extra damage to those who have forcefields, bypasses, removes and prevents forcefields and deals 20% extra damage per de-buff.
    • Eat Your Brains: Bites at the opponent which deals 20% extra per de-buff.
    • We Are Venom: Buff ability that synergises their attacks, allowing them to follow up on each others attack more effectively
    • Along Came A Venom: A stealthy melee slashing attack which applies spider webs to the opponent. Does 20% extra damage for each buff/stat that's enhanced (As well as each de-buff), does 50% extra damage to those protecting someone, reduces enemy speed and damage by 20%, makes enemy attacks have a 20% chance to fail, prevents ranged, melee, buff, de-buff attacks/abilities, removes and prevents protection and counter attack effects.
    • Extruded Claws: Melee attacks that bleeds and ravages opponents which makes opponents take more damage from blood loss.
    • Hematophage: Melee attack that drains the opponents stamina and heals Venom by 20%
    • Infestation: Ranged attack that infects the opponent rapidly doing damage that increases exponentially
    • Symbiote Shield: Reduces damage by 75%. Attacking the shield infects the opponent.

Note: I will be comparing this character to his 616 and MCU counterpart, so I'm giving credit since I will be taking some content from his page from here, here, here and here.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

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