FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Humans over the years have created countless stories, each with different, unique characters. Whether the story was made for passion, for fame, or for other reasons, it does not change the fact that a new world has been created through their imaginations. In the end however, they are just stories. Stories that we humans have made up to entertain ourselves and our minds throughout our very existences.

Fake, fictional, fantasy.

However, one day, in the Summer of 2019, these Characters— created by a human's expansive imagination— appear one after the other in the real world; each retaining the memories and desires that make up who they are, now roaming the land of the real world.

Perhaps confused and lost, it is now the goal of these Characters to get back to their worlds, and to uncover the truth behind their transportation into this new, cruel reality that questions their very existences.

The line between fiction and fantasy has been blurred. It is now up to the humans in the real world and their creations to decide what to make of it...

Adrift (漂流, Hyōryū) is a Tabletop RPG played on Discord, based on the premise of fictional characters coming into the real world. Whether they are "Original Characters", "Fan Characters", or "Established Characters", all are able to be transported into a world very similar to our own, and the consequences or shenanigans that would come with it.

With their transfer shrouded in mystery and no clear way of returning to their homes just yet, it is up for the Characters to decide what to do from that point onwards. From here, they are no longer bound to the meticulous stories crafted by authors and writers, and could do whatever they please.

Power of the Verse[]

Because of a concept in the verse known as "Influence"— how a Character is perceived or would be perceived by the general public— as well as various other factors that rely on their manifestation within the real world, they can either be extremely powerful or extremely weak, thus all Fictional Characters in the verse are liable to change tiers on a whim per-Arc, or even in different points of an Arc.

However, there is still constant progression in the RP, thus there is still a constant "baseline" per-Arc where the Characters can be scaled. So far, each Arc has displayed Wall level, Small Building level, City Block level, Town level, Large Town level, and Small City level as the most consistent tiers, with the latter being where the strongest Characters are listed as.

Other than the Fictional Characters however, everything else in the verse for the most part matches Real Life itself.






Fictional Characters[]

Real Characters[]
