FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Additional Limbs


Additional Limbs (also called Extra Limbs) is the ability to possess or generate additional sets of limbs such as arms and legs.

Possible Uses[]

  • Martial Arts: The user may possess a higher degree of certain forms of combat, due to the use of multiple arms and/or legs.
  • Weapon Mastery: With the addition of more arms, the user might be able to utilize more than one or two weapons such as swords and/or firearms.
  • Danmaku: Certain users may be able to launch multi- to omni-directional attacks via Energy Blasts or firearms thanks to the use of their extra limbs.
  • Pressure Points: Using additional sets of arms, the user can strike most if not all of the weak points located on the opponent's body.
  • Regenerative limbs: If a user happens to lose a limb, they can regenerate or grow a new one in place of the previous.


  • Users may not be able to retract these limbs.
  • May be limited to certain limbs such as the arms and legs.
  • It might be trickier to control multiple limbs simultaneously.