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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
A Strange Multiverse
A Strange Start
ASS cover new (with title)


A Strange Start is an alternate timeline to A Strange Beginning, being in the perspective of Lebron Akuma instead of Donato Akuma. This story introduces new and powerful characters that, for now, are far above the characters of its predecessor. If you wish to read the comic, here's the link. It's still being worked on.

Power of the Verse[]

Right from the beginning of the first page, Lebron immediately splits a forest with a single punch during his sparring match with Lebrank. Few more pages in and several more characters are introduced into the story, such as Dreyson who one-shot Kingston and gave a tough fight to Lebron, Ulwog who one-shot Lebron and holds his own against the latter's FM:B form (which later created a "planet-busting" feat), and Genie who is drastically above FM:B Lebron due to devastatingly hurting Kingston in his Akuko State form with nothing more than a casual flick of her finger. Kingston's Akuko State form having been stated to be superior to Lebron's FM:B form. Later on, Lebron is "happily" greeted by his father, Rivon during a nightmare Lebron has. Despite it being a nightmare, Rivon completely manhandles a much, much stronger Donato and Genie casually and beheads Lebron before he has time to even react.

Majority of the main cast are Large Town level due to scaling from Dreyson and anyone else comparable, some reaching far above the given potency. The top tiers, for now, are pretty high above baseline Planet level due to being comparable to FM:B Lebron, with characters like Akuko State Kingston, Genie, and Lebrank being stronger than him.

While still fairly new, this story isn't without its fair share of unique abilities displayed by either the characters or the environment: Such as Power Nullification, Darkness Manipulation, Transmutation, Fear Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, and many more.


  • Kingston stops a giant axe - 5.26296805e+9 kg (Class G)

  • Pisces reacts to a beam - 100000 m/s (Massively Hypersonic)

  • Characters[]

    Main Group:[]

    The Squad

    Garvor High:[]

    Garvor High